Google has announced significant changes to its Local Service Ads, impacting how businesses appear in branded searches and how disputes are handled. Here's what you need to know.

Google Local Service Adds Branded Searches:
Google Local Service Ads will now display for branded searches, meaning your Local Service Ad will be the only ad shown when someone searches for your brand. This feature is enabled automatically, enhancing your visibility.

Google Local Service Adds Automated Disputes:

Google has automated the dispute process for GLSAs, eliminating the option for manual disputes. While this streamlines the process, Google will no longer credit leads for "job type not serviced" or "geo not serviced." To minimize irrelevant leads and disputes, ensure your service areas and job types are accurately listed in your GLSA settings.
On the bright side, Google states advertisers should expect the same or, in some cases, more leads credited. It's important to monitor lead quality and costs to understand the impact of this change.

Maximizing the Updates to Google Local Service Ads:

  • Evaluate Branded Search Strategy: Compare GLSAs and PPC for branded searches to decide whether to keep the automatic GLSA feature.
  • Optimize Service Settings: Update your GLSA settings to reflect accurate service areas and job types.
  • Monitor Lead Quality: Track lead quality and costs to assess the effectiveness of GLSAs and automated disputes.

By staying informed and adjusting your strategy, PSAI customers can effectively leverage these Google Local Service Ad updates to maintain visibility and attract high-quality leads.