GAF Territory Managers
Your GAF Warranty Alerts Training is Here

Recorded Webinar Below

If you missed our live webinar or simply want to revisit the insightful session, we have great news for you. The full recording of our recent webinar, where we unveiled the transformative WeatherHub’s new GAF Warranty Alerts, is now available for you to watch at your convenience.

During this session, we took a deep dive into:

  • The functionalities of the new GAF Warranty Alerts and how they empower proactive homeowner engagement.
  • The intricacies of the Territory Manager portal – your central hub for managing unclaimed leads in storm-affected areas.

The webinar provided a platform for questions, and we saw many Territory Managers bring valuable insights, enhancing the discussion about the future of our contractor and homeowner relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does a WeatherHub Subscriber activate GAF Warranty Alerts?

Subscribers can activate their alerts by logging into WeatherHub and setting up GAF integration with their Contractor ID.

When are warranty alerts triggered?

  • GAF Warranty Alerts are triggered when a storm with 60+ mph wind and/or 1"+ hail affects homes with an active Enhanced GAF Warranty.

When will a territory manager receive an alert?

  • If there is no active GAF Certified Contractor available for the alert, GAF Territory Managers will receive an email from WeatherHub notifying them that alerts are available for distribution. View help article.
How does a TM disperse alerts to contractors?

What happens if there are multiple territory managers in same area?

  • A GAF warranty only has 1 Territory Code assigned to it. Any TM who has access to that territory can distribute that warranty. Once it's distributed, it cannot be distributed again. The warranty will be removed from the TM portal.
Is WeatherHub required to receive warranty alerts?
  • All qualified GAF contractors will receive alerts when a warranty is impacted but in order to access the contact info of the warranties that were impacted, contractors will need to subscribe to WeatherHub.
Where do contractors subscribe to WeatherHub?
  • If a contractor is not subscribed to WeatherHub, their alert will include a sign up link. Upon sign up, the latest storm date's warranties will be released and any future ones will also flow into their WeatherHub.
What happens to alerts if a contractor does not sign up for WeatherHub?
  • If a qualified contractor does not have a WeatherHub account, it will be held for them until they sign up. If they don't sign up, we do not push the warranties to the TM portal. Only warranties assigned to unqualified contractors push to the TM portal for distribution.
Does the homeowner get an alert when their warranty is impacted?
  • WeatherHub does not support communication directly to homeowner but upgrading to PSAI Edge does support homeowner communication as well as ability to expand marketing to homeowners without a GAF warranty that have sustained storm damage, with precise storm campaigns.

Need additional information?