Driving High Intent Leads for $100!
Check Out Some Clients That Have Had Success Getting In-Control of Their Lead Generation.
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PSAI Ads Manager Case Studies

Not familiar with Ads Manager? Check out this video to learn more about our solution to social lead generation!

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Roofsmith Restoration

This home improvement company in Cleveland ran their lead generation on Facebook promoting a seasonal offer to homeowners that aligned with their products and was able to drive quality leads at a $70 cost-per-lead!

  • $2,838 Ad Spend
  • 40 Leads
  • $70 Cost-Per Lead
  • July 8-July 31

Start Driving Your Own Leads with PSAI

We directly match your custom audience on the most engaging platforms, creating compelling lead generation ads, targeting high intent homeowners.

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Bath Planet of Richmond

Bathroom remodeling lead are not always easy to generate but using Ads Manager, this Louisiana client drove over 100 leads on this active campaign, by identifying homeowner before their competitors and converting them on Facebook:

  • $8,701 Ad Spend
  • 110 Leads
  • $79 Cost-Per Lead
  • Jan 13 - Sep 20

Hutcherson Construction

Our Ads Manager helps keep your outbound lead generation fresh, making it easy to keep new ads in front of your targeted audience. This Michigan company was able to drive 26 decking leads leads with their ongoing ads manager campaign.

  • $1,766 Ad Spend
  • 26 Leads
  • $67 Cost-Per Lead
  • Jan 1 - Mar 25


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